What Does a 2 Year Roof Cert REALLY Mean? By Agent Allan Sanchez
In the Sacramento area, it is common for buyers to ask for a 2 year roof certification if the roof is on the older side. A roof certification is granted once a roofing company inspects, repairs (if needed), and estimates the length of life left on the roof. But, is a 2 year roof cert really the best thing for the buyer?
I just helped my clients buy a house in the Citrus Heights area. The roof was old and the seller’s already had a 2 year roof certification to pass on to my clients. But when the buyers got their home inspection, it was obvious that the roof was in really bad shape below the surface of the roof and in the plywood under-layer.
The roofing contractor certified that they would repair the IMMEDIATE leak if there was one within the next two years. But, they DO NOT fix anything that the leak damages like Sheetrock, furniture, carpet, etc. The 2 year roof cert basically band-aids the situation for a short period of time.
After the 2 year roof certification expires, all repairs are the responsibility of the new owner. It is also VERY likely that the roof will need to be completely replaced. Buyers need to ask themselves whether or not they will be able to come up with the estimated $6,000-$20,000 it will take for a brand new roof.
In the case of my Citrus Height client, we decided that a 2 year roof certification was simply not enough. Because of the home inspection, we knew that the roof was on its last leg. The buyers were risking water damage by agreeing to take the roof in its current condition and trusting the roofing contractor in case repairs were needed. Further, the buyers new it would be difficult to come up with the $8,000 needed to put on a new roof once the certification expired.
I negotiated a brand new roof for them during escrow. The buyers closed on the house last week and now have piece of mind for many years to come. I strongly recommend a completely new roof when it’s obvious from inspections that the roof doesn’t have much longer to go. A 2 year roof cert. isn’t enough protection. Of course if the buyers are buying a total fixer or getting a screaming deal, asking for a new roof wouldn’t be appropriate. But in this case, it definitely was and my buyers are in a much more secure position because of it!
Have more questions about 2 year roof certifications or other real estate questions? Email me: allanshomes@gmail.com or call me: 916-205-2265.
What Does a 2 Year Roof Cert REALLY Mean? By Agent Allan Sanchez
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